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Slimy Salamander

Slimy Salamander

Plethodon glutinosus

Southern Two-lined Salamander

Southern Two-lined Salamander

Eurycea cirrigera

Blackbelly Salamander

Blackbelly Salamander

Desmognathus quadramaculatus

Imitator Salamander

Imitator Salamander

Desmognathus imitator

Northern Two-lined Salamander

Northern Two-lined Salamander

Eurycea bislineata

Mountain Dusky Salamander

Mountain Dusky Salamander

Desmognathus ochrophaeus

Spring Salmander

Spring Salmander

Gyrinophilus porphyriticus

Red Salamander

Red Salamander

Pseudotriton ruber

Marbled Salamander

Marbled Salamander

Ambystoma opacum

Red-backed Salamander

Red-backed Salamander

Plethodon cinereus

Red-spotted Newt (aquatic stage)

Red-spotted Newt (aquatic stage)

Notophthalmus viridescens

Jefferson's Salamnder

Jefferson's Salamnder

Abystoma jeffersonianum

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