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This page is dedicated to the reptiles and amphibians I have had the  joy photographing! Click on a group to explore the diversity.











Red-spotted Newt

Red-spotted Newt

Notophthalmus viridescens

Roundtail Horned Lizard

Roundtail Horned Lizard

Phrynosoma modestum

Eastern Racer

Eastern Racer

Coluber constrictor

Ringneck Snake

Ringneck Snake

Diadophis punctatus

Mojave Green Rattlesnake

Mojave Green Rattlesnake

Crotalus scutulatus

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern Box Turtle

Terrapene carolina carolina

Marbled Salamanders

Marbled Salamanders

Ambystoma opacum

Green Iguana

Green Iguana

Iguana iguana

Four-eyed Frog

Four-eyed Frog

Pleurodema brachyops

Three-scaled Ground Snake

Three-scaled Ground Snake

Liophis triscalis

Antilles Gecko

Antilles Gecko

Gonotodes antillensis

Slimy Salamander

Slimy Salamander

Plethodon glutinosus

Laurent's Whiptail

Laurent's Whiptail

Cnemidophorus murinus murinus

Fowler's Toad

Fowler's Toad

Bufo fowleri

Red-backed Salamander

Red-backed Salamander

Plethodon cinereus

Common Garter Snake

Common Garter Snake

Thamnophis sirtalis

Gopher Snake

Gopher Snake

Pituophis catenifer

Great Plains Toad

Great Plains Toad

Anaxyrus cognatus

Western Milksnake

Western Milksnake

Lampropeltis gentilis

Ringneck Snake

Ringneck Snake

Diadophis punctatus

Many-lined Skink

Many-lined Skink

Plestiodon multivirgatus

Side-striped Chameleon

Side-striped Chameleon

Trioceros ellioti

Strange-nosed Chameleon

Strange-nosed Chameleon

Kinyongia xenorhina

Side-striped Palm Viper

Side-striped Palm Viper

Bothriechis lateralis

Great Lakes Bush Viper

Great Lakes Bush Viper

Atheris nitschei

Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlsnake

Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlsnake

Crotalus willardi

Mottled Rock Rattlesnake

Mottled Rock Rattlesnake

Crotalus lepidus

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Dendroaspis polylepis

Red Salamander

Red Salamander

Pseudotriton ruber

Slimy Salamander

Slimy Salamander

Plethodon glutinosus

Five-lined Skink

Five-lined Skink

Eumeces fasciatus

Ground Skink

Ground Skink

Scincella lateralis

von Höhnel's Chameleon

von Höhnel's Chameleon

Trioceros hoehnelli

Flap-necked Chameleon

Flap-necked Chameleon

Chamaeleo dilepis

Texas Banded Gecko

Texas Banded Gecko

Coleonyx brevis

Ituri Forest Gecko

Ituri Forest Gecko

Hemidactylus ituriensis

Long-nosed Snake

Long-nosed Snake

Rhinocheilus lecontei

Banded Watern Snake

Banded Watern Snake

Nerodia fasciata

Rhinoceros Viper

Rhinoceros Viper

Bitis nasicornis

Glossy Snake

Glossy Snake

Arizona elegans

Southern Fence Lizard

Southern Fence Lizard

Sceloporus undulatus

Fire-sided Skink

Fire-sided Skink

Lepidothyris hinkeli

Collared Lizard

Collared Lizard

Crotaphytus collaris

Bush Viper

Bush Viper

Atheris squamigera

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern Box Turtle

Terrapene carolina

Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

Chrysemys picta

Common Snapping Turtle

Common Snapping Turtle

Chelydra serpentina

Gopher Tortoise

Gopher Tortoise

Gopherus polyphemus

Couch's Spadefoot

Couch's Spadefoot

Scaphiopus couchii

Cuban Tree Frog

Cuban Tree Frog

Osteopilus septentrionalis

American Green Tree Frog

American Green Tree Frog

Hyla cinerea

Sonoran Desert Toad

Sonoran Desert Toad

Incilius alvarius

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